I am not one for big, all-encompassing New Year’s resolutions. I think it’s because I find the timing so arbitrary. The time of year when it’s dark and gloomy and cold isn’t when I want to change my life - I mean, who can bear the thought of eating only salad right now? Big resolutions are more likely to happen on a sunny spring day, when the world is singing, or in September when that back-to-school feeling gives everything a distinct flavor of possibility.
I do think though that January is a good time to introduce small, pleasurable things into my routine and see if they stick. Nothing terribly ambitious, but little tasks that don’t take much time and make life better. Here are mine for 2018.
Goal 1: Read through a cookbook once a week.
I have an embarrassing number of cookbooks that I bought thinking “Oooh, shiny! I’ll definitely use this!” and then have not touched since. But from past experience I know that if I look through a book with Post-Its in hand, I’m much more likely to cook from it, rather than passing it over in favor of old reliables. Also, so many books now are full of amazing writing. I’m particularly looking forward to sitting with The Sportsman Cookbook and Istanbul and Beyond.
Goal 2: Keep a dinner party diary.
This is a throwback to the days of gracious living. Back in the day when my high-WASP grandmother entertained, she would sit down the morning after and make notes about the guests and what was served, marking which dishes worked and which didn’t. It saved her from serving the same dish to guests twice, and also ensured things would go more smoothly the next time. I host enough that dinners and parties tend to run together, and this will (I hope) help me to remember what people like and any adjustments I need to make. At the very least, it will save me from drastically over- or under-catering.